Friday, February 21, 2014

Heat-induced inspiration?

Heat-wave x Perspiration
>= Natural sauna
= Heat-induced inspiration?

Even Ms. Frog Princess
has an idea...
she's claimed
the watering can
as her
personal swimming pool. :)

Even the trees
are shedding their leaves,
to limit 'perspiration'...
as someone in the family
once said,
for want of hands & legs,
with which to help themselves
to that much-needed

Rather than
flip on that
air-conditioning unit
& consume more of
our limited energy resources... here is my inspiration of a micro-air-conditioning unit:
Why not place a frozen-solid
plastic-bottle of water
in a bucket
beside you?
swap with another one
from the freezer,
once this one's melted through?
Inane or ingenious... ;)
do let me know?

What can we,
do to induce rain?
5-minute 'gotong-royong':
morning or evening
own-yard watering-duty?
Would this work?
I guess it is
as the saying goes
= "The proof of the pudding,
is in [its'] eating"? Would you
give this a go
& return to share the results
of your community's experiment?
Our own shot at
ground-bourne 'cloud-seeding' ;)
to help
the animals,
the plants &

Like this article?
Feel free to copy this link
and e-mail/ tweet/ etc. it
to others.

Friday, December 6, 2013

E-ROTFL New Year Resolutions?

E-gadgets x Resolutions
>= E-Resolutions
= E-ROTFL Resolutions?

Tablet: To be the 'pill', that cures everyone's blues!

Mouse: To spread the 'anti-leptospirosis' message, to my rodent brethren!

Floppy drive: To name my offspring = Cameron Diaz/ Penelope/ Thumbelina; so they have a better chance of survival!

Got any Rolling On The Floor Laughing New Year Resolutions to share?


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Spring Cleanser ?

Tea-tree-oil x water
>= Diluted.tea-tree-oil
= Natural air-freshening-cleanser?

1 tsp 100% tea-tree-oil
1 cup Water
1 pc Sprayer bottle
1 pc Microfiber cloth

Pour water into sprayer bottle.   Add tea-tree-oil.   Close sprayer bottle & shake well.   Spray solution onto microfiber cloth.   Squeeze well & wipe down (furniture/ electronic device/ ...) surfaces.   Smell the difference!

Share your spring cleanser 'recipe' trial experience?


Thursday, November 14, 2013


Snap x Record
>= Video
= Peeping-Tom x 'Dropper-Of-Eaves'

Quite a while ago, my handphone went "snap" in the night.   I went "gulp" & fashioned a Band-Aid (plaster) to cover its' camera's lens with.

I placed a square piece of paper, slightly larger than the lens, on it & taped it in place with cellophane tape.   I'd also e-mailed this solution to people I know.

A recent newspaper article recounts UK's Cybersmile Foundation's chief advocating just this Band-Aid method to counter rampant remote invasion of privacy via the computer's camera.

Do your kids know that no one can use hencefrom obtained material to blackmail them to do things, as it is wrong?

To extrapolate...   might there be a remote 'dropper-of-eaves' out there right now?   Would some nano-technology-sound-proofed handphone pouch lining, be just the re-engineering required to catapult handphone pouches' sales?

© www.


Birds x hotels
>= birds' nest
= guffaw?

Mommy kookaburra:   What do you want to be when you grow up?

Baby kookaburra:   A swift!

Mommy kookaburra:   {Oh dear! My daughter must be going through an identity crisis.}   Not the best laugh therapist in the world?

Baby kookaburra:   No.   Swiftlet's daddy told him that bosses only build hotels for those who are swift;   not those who are quick, with witty humour.
