Sunday, July 6, 2014

Scarecrow.R&R ?

Fields x Worked_to_the_bone
>= picketed.fields
= Scarecrow.R&R ?

        ( )   ___
        /|\  |_x_|
      \/ | \/
        / \     /\   /\
|                        |

Dear Farmer Badul,

You need
your paddy bounty...
...I scare away
the crows

Could I not
get a holiday too...
...while you celebrate
the Harvest Festival?

"Selamat Hari Gawai!"



ScareCrow's on holiday!]

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Dimyarian Fix ?

Flash_floods x Draining_dams
>= double.folly
= Dimyarian Fix ?

Irony of scarcity,
amidst largess
= dry taps + fatidical rains?

Why doesn't it rain,
where the dams are?

If only we could huff & puff
& blow the clouds
over the dams...

...Huffing & Puffing...

...doesn't work!

I say...
why not build mini-dams
where it does rain
& mitigate the floods as well?

Funnelling largess
towards scarcity
for a double-muscled

' ' ' '
 ' ' ' '
 \ ' ' /
  \ ' /     
 | ~ ~ |      ___________ ____
 |  ~ ~|     |  _________/_____\
 | ~ ~ |     | |         | |_| | 
 |  ~ ~|_____| |_________| |_|_|

for my mini-dams
vs drains, anyone?

nobody huff & puff
the clouds away
from my mini-dams, 'kay?   ;)

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Photo x Instant
>= Instant Photo
= Singularity

'Singularity' has been defined
as a chance that
never comes around
for the 2nd time.

Here's an example of
  • a chance-shaped branch
    (variable 1)
  • a chance-drifted branch
    (variable 2)
  • a chance-angled shot
    (variable 3)
  • etc.
    (variable n)

which gives you the above
shot (= photo)
which I've entitled:
The Ocean Went That-A-Way!   :)

Who knows what
you may capture with
your photo-capture-device?

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Emotional Catharsis

Printer x Thoughts
>= Printed Thoughts
= Emotional Catharsis


As I begin inking...
...words of intense grief

From dawn to dusk... ink-pot runs dry

Black soon becomes grey...
Grey soon becomes white...

'Til nether a word:

Staring at the blankness:

I feel my self:

Of just the grief...
...that had bid me: <Write!>

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Friday, February 21, 2014

'Nancy Drew' @ work?

Secrets x Missing-In-Action

>= secretly-MIA

= 'Nancy Drew' @ work?

Top Hat:   Say, haven't I seen you somewhere before?

Nancy Drew:   Hi!   I'm 'Nancy Drew'.

Top Hat:   Aha!   Just the woman I've been looking for...

Nancy Drew:   Why?   Have you a mystery for me to solve?

Top Hat:   Not yet; but would like to join forces with you, to ferret out the bad hats.

Nancy Drew:   Ok...   show me some of your moves?

Top Hat:   This is my Pink-Panther-ish stealth mode.

Nancy Drew:   Welcome, Top Hat, to team 'Nancy Drew'!

Top Hat:   Say, do you think the police would share some of their billion-dollar-crime-fighting-budget with us?

Nancy Drew:   Let's see if we could earn a share...   here's our first mission...   pssst...   psssst...   pssssst...   #jokes

#humour   #comic

#NancyDrew   #mystery

#PinkPanther   #stealth


Re-suscitated product material?

Product material x 'Sparks'
>= 'Burnt' product material
= Re-suscitated product material?

Leaflets x Paper-fasteners
>= Collated Leaflets
= Marketing Decor?

A product marketing
+ festive-tree decoration
(paper lanterns/ baubles/ ...)
[Personally, I had digitized
the leaflet information
for potential future reference,

Need the how-to
to re-purpose your old leaflets
in such a way? Do sms me your e-mail address with the word 'lantern' or 'bauble' & I'll e-mail you the steps?

Product-packaging x Craft-scissors
>= Confetti
= Book-marks?

Just my little idea
of extending the life-span
of product-material...
potentially slowing down
the speed with which
it hits the re-cycle heap:
by re-purposing?

Heat-induced inspiration?

Heat-wave x Perspiration
>= Natural sauna
= Heat-induced inspiration?

Even Ms. Frog Princess
has an idea...
she's claimed
the watering can
as her
personal swimming pool. :)

Even the trees
are shedding their leaves,
to limit 'perspiration'...
as someone in the family
once said,
for want of hands & legs,
with which to help themselves
to that much-needed

Rather than
flip on that
air-conditioning unit
& consume more of
our limited energy resources... here is my inspiration of a micro-air-conditioning unit:
Why not place a frozen-solid
plastic-bottle of water
in a bucket
beside you?
swap with another one
from the freezer,
once this one's melted through?
Inane or ingenious... ;)
do let me know?

What can we,
do to induce rain?
5-minute 'gotong-royong':
morning or evening
own-yard watering-duty?
Would this work?
I guess it is
as the saying goes
= "The proof of the pudding,
is in [its'] eating"? Would you
give this a go
& return to share the results
of your community's experiment?
Our own shot at
ground-bourne 'cloud-seeding' ;)
to help
the animals,
the plants &

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